Gilbert Theatre announces auditions for Little Shop of Horrors

Auditions will take place on February 17th and 18th from 6:00 – 10:00 PM. Appointments are required. Auditions will be in 10-minute time slots. Please email Matt Lamb at to get a time slot. Age ranges are listed.

Gilbert Theater always casts with no biases based on race, gender identity or expression, disability, or sexual orientation. We encourage any and all to come out & audition regardless of experience. While any actor can play any role in the show (i.e., there are no requirements or restrictions other than to perform the book, music and lyrics as written), it is encouraged that the roles of Crystal, Ronnette, and Chiffon be played by actors of color. There is no such suggestion with regard to any of the other characters, regardless of how those characters have been cast in other productions.

View Character Breakdowns and Audition Sides

Regarding Working at the Gilbert
The Gilbert Theater is a semi-professional, community-minded theater which offers paid positions to professional and semi-professional actors in leading or specialty roles and volunteer opportunities.

Actor Compensation
The theater is unable to compensate actors at a level which recognizes the value of their talent, training, or time in the way a fully professional company might. Compensation ranges from Guest Artist to a simple gas stipend. Housing for out of town guests is available. Contract terms are negotiated individually.

***The Gilbert Theater has a noted history of cross-gender and non-traditional casting practices. Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds are strongly encouraged to audition.

If you cannot make auditions for a particular production, please feel free to contact us, or send us your resume and headshot to  or via snail mail.

Theatre’s Statement
The Gilbert continues to actively explore ways to engage with our diverse community in regards to the representation of culture, race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and disability on and off stage. We create more opportunities for actors and other artists who have been historically underrepresented on and off the stage.