The NCTC Board of Directors is elected by the membership to oversee the organization. Board members are leaders in the NC theatre industry who volunteer their time to NCTC as fundraisers, advisers and advocates. Board members look forward to visiting NCTC member organizations and seeing your performances! If you would like to add our board to your Opening Night invitation list, email and we’ll provide a mailing list.
Donna Bradby
Executive Director
Touring Theatre of North Carolina
“Young theatre artists need a place to belong and life-changing experiences. NCTC is a dynamic organization that specializes in supporting young people, amazing teachers, and theatre across the state.”
Angie Flynn-McIver
Ignite CSP: Coaching, Speaking, Presenting
“Serving on the NCTC board is my opportunity to give back to North Carolina’s educational, avocational, and professional theatres. As a theatre artist, I’ve benefited from NCTC’s care and advocacy in every one of those areas, and it’s a joy to get to serve with this wonderful organization!”
Jenny Goodfellow
Theatre Arts Educator
Charlotte Country Day School
“NCTC is not just an association; it’s a community of passionate individuals committed to fostering a love for theatre and empowering the next generation of artists. “
Karli Henderson
Davidson College
“I believe in the power of theatre to create conversations around difficult ideas and to provide an opportunity to observe underrepresented stories. For the ability to tell these thought-provoking stories to persevere, the support and advocacy of organizations like NCTC is essential.”
Ashley Hyers
Theatre Arts Department Chair
Greensboro College
“I am proud to be part of a group that encourages young students to be involved in theatre, that helps high school students find a college program, that offers programing for professional and community theatres, and that advocates for all theatre groups.”
Emily Klingman, Secretary
Theatre Arts Educator
Lake Norman High School
“I love how NCTC serves and uplifts the theatre community in our state. We are theatre education, theatre professionals, and advocates for the arts.”
Corey Mitchell
Founder and Artistic Director
Theatre Gap Initiative
“NCTC plays a crucial role in the development of young people by providing a platform for artistic expression, entertainment, and cultural enrichment. NCTC is truly a game changer for thousands of young people that lasts a lifetime.”
Judy Osborne, President
Arts Advocate/Director
Southern Pines
“I joined NCTC because it provided the professional development and network of other theatre teachers that I desperately needed. Because of NCTC, my students and I pushed each other to reach for and to achieve excellence. I serve and support NCTC because I am so grateful for all that NCTC has given me and my students.”
Ashley Owen
Marketing Director
Cape Fear Regional Theatre
“NCTC is an excellent connector for artists across the state. From students just embarking on their passion to professionals pursing theirs, NCTC provides space and opportunity for all, strengthening the NC theater community.”
Tommy Prudenti
Special Programs Manager
Blumenthal Performing Arts
“NCTC is the ‘gold standard’ of an arts-centric service agency and I see, very often, how much the meaningful and intentional work impacts students, educators, and theater enthusiasts all over our state.”
Stuart Spencer
“Serving on the NCTC board allows me to give back to an organization that, every year, supports thousands theatre students, educators, professionals, and future arts leaders in North Carolina. North Carolina is lucky to have such an active and effective advocacy organization.”
Keith Taylor
Theatre Arts Educator
Weaver Academy
“As a theater teacher I relish the chance to share with my students the many other talented and creative theatre programs and students from across our state. We love the challenge of play festival and the celebratory spirit of all NCTC events.”
Jackie Timmons, Vice President
Director of Marketing & Development
Theatre Charlotte
“NCTC is the glue that holds the theatre community in NC together. In addition to providing vital advocacy and resources, NCTC brings all levels of theatre together to support each other, learn from each other, and grow together.”
Dan Treharne
Theatre Arts Educator
Shelby High School
“I believe in and work for NCTC because it allows everyone in our industry, from students to teachers to professionals, to connect to the wider North Carolina theatre community.”
Liza Vest
Associate Director, Finance & Operations
Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts
“Making theatre is about making connections, and NCTC is exceptional at connecting theatre makers throughout North Carolina. I joined the NCTC board to play a part in the connection between professional theatre artists, young theatre students, and theatre educators that strengthens North Carolina’s theatre industry.”
Rich Whittington, Treasurer
Assoc. Vice Chancellor of Advancement
“I fell in love with NCTC’s mission to strengthen NC’s vibrant theatre industry and engage tomorrow’s artists, audiences and advocates. I believe as a theater community we are stronger when we work together for the benefit of all.”