NCTC is a statewide network of artists, arts administrators, and arts advocates who are passionate about building a strong, sustainable, innovative, collaborative, and connected theatre industry in NC.

Meet Our Members

NCTC members represent all corners of the state, and include K12 schools; colleges and universities; community and professional theatres; individuals; and theatre industry vendors. To sort by category: Click the the arrow icon in the menu bar and select your desired option(s): Theatre Companies, Colleges & Universities, and K-12 Schools.


Become part of our statewide network of artists, arts administrators, and arts advocates!

Theatre Companies

Community and professional theatres producing or presenting work in North Carolina.

K–12 Schools

Public, private, and charter schools that serve students K-12 and offer theatre arts education.

Colleges & Universities

Colleges and universities offering educational opportunities in theatre to undergraduate or graduate students.


Individuals who are passionate about our missions to strengthen the NC theatre industry and engage the artists, audiences, and advocates of tomorrow.


Organizations that supply products, technology, training, or professional services to the theatre industry.